Rob Lee: The Truth In This Art Story on Creative Mornings

Rob Lee: The Truth In This Art Story on Creative Mornings

Step into the inspiring world of Maryland Art Place as Rob Lee, the naturally curious and talented storyteller, takes the stage for his Creative Mornings talk on the theme of 'Truth.' In this captivating presentation, Rob explores the concept of truth through three famous quotes, sharing his unique perspective as the host of "The Truth In This Art" podcast.

With over 400 interviews featuring a diverse guest list of artists, entrepreneurs, and tastemakers, Rob has become a prominent voice in Baltimore and beyond. Motivated by a desire to challenge negative narratives and false perceptions about his beloved hometown, Rob created "The Truth In This Art" podcast in 2019. In recognition of his impactful work, the podcast was awarded the title of Best Podcast in Baltimore by Baltimore Magazine's esteemed editors in 2022.

Beyond his podcast, Rob's commitment to the arts and community shines through his active involvement on the boards of the Baltimore Improv Group and Creative Nomads. These organizations provide platforms for live comedy shows, adult and youth workshops, podcasting, and foster the professional and craft development of arts entrepreneurs. Rob's dedication to providing access to arts, music, and cultural programming to all youth and families is a testament to his belief in the transformative power of creativity.

Join Rob Lee as he takes you on a thought-provoking journey through his Creative Mornings talk at Maryland Art Place. Experience the wisdom and insights he uncovers through three powerful quotes, and gain a deeper understanding of truth in the context of art, storytelling, and community.

Photo by Schaun Champion

🎨🎙️ Immerse yourself in the exploration of truth with Rob Lee, the creative force behind "The Truth In This Art" podcast, as he delivers a captivating Creative Mornings talk at Maryland Art Place! 🌟🗣️

The Truth In This Art is not just about exploring art, culture, and community—it's a platform that actively engages with them. Whether you're discovering the vibrant arts scene in and around your community or tasting the local flavors at Foraged, you're immersed in the heartbeat of Baltimore. Located in the Station North Arts & Entertainment District, foraged. a hyper-seasonal eatery where Chef Chris Amendola serves farm-fresh seasonal plates alongside beer & wine, all in an atmosphere as warm and inviting as our podcast conversations. The space, adorned with greenery, mirrors the eatery's commitment to local and seasonal ingredients, a philosophy that's deeply rooted in the natural world—just like the authentic stories we explore on the podcast. It's a full-circle community experience, even featuring a signature cocktail named after Rob Lee. With Chef Amendola being a frequent guest on our show, the partnership illuminates the rich intersections of arts, culture, and community that we both celebrate. Discover more at
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Creators and Guests

Rob Lee
Rob Lee
The Truth In This Art is an interview series featuring artists, entrepreneurs and tastemakers in & around Baltimore.