Artistic Insights with Salvatore Marrone: Exploring Dating, Hookups, and Autobiographical Comics

Artistic Insights with Salvatore Marrone: Exploring Dating, Hookups, and Autobiographical Comics

00;00;03;04 - 00;00;14;16
Jocelyn Broadwick
Hey, Baltimore. I'm Jocelyn, Broadway Island, Town's mistress of smut and the host and curator of an evening of vintage smut. And you're listening to the Truth in this art podcast with Rob Lee.

00;00;15;00 - 00;00;32;08
Rob Lee
Welcome to the Truth in this art. I am your host, Rob Lee, the great Rob Lee. You know, the Rob Lee that you know, probably that you love. Today, I have the privilege of being in conversation with a gay comic artist living in Philadelphia. Please welcome Salvatore Marrone. Welcome to the podcast.

00;00;32;19 - 00;00;34;13
Salvatore Marrone
Thanks for having me, Rob. It's good to be here.

00;00;34;28 - 00;00;56;19
Rob Lee
It's great to have you on. We're doing it. We're making it happen. So thank you for being on the podcast. And I like to to open up the questions and start peppering questions almost. You know how you look at like a comedian and, you know, people are throwing tomatoes at them, you know, if they're doing bad. I'm going to start throwing questions in your way after this first one.

00;00;56;19 - 00;01;08;24
Rob Lee
So I'm going to start off with a very softball sort of question. What is what is the Salvatore story? What is the retro sofa story? Tell me about that. What's the story? Give me the details that got us to this space right now.

00;01;09;17 - 00;01;34;27
Salvatore Marrone
So I guess it goes back to childhood. And so I'm the youngest. I have two older sisters. And growing up, as you know, as my sisters and I and my parents, and it was kind of it was funny. We were Modern Family before Modern Family was a thing because like my father was was an it was an immigrant from Italy.

00;01;35;01 - 00;01;54;04
Salvatore Marrone
My mom was this military bride. You know, my sisters and I all had different fathers. My oldest sister, China, was black and had spent the before us like it was like we were just it was Ida. It was we were like we could have totally a been a sitcom like a very P.C. sitcom for sure. Are not for you say.

00;01;55;21 - 00;02;23;18
Salvatore Marrone
And my sisters were also a lot older than I was. I am so like my oldest sister. China is like 12 years older than me. My sister Rose is about eight or nine years older than me. Anyway, so apparently the story goes that I went up to one of my I went up to all of my family members and I asked them to draw me, Ariel, from The Little Mermaid, because I was obsessed with the little Mermaid.

00;02;24;01 - 00;02;46;17
Salvatore Marrone
It's still going out, so nobody could draw it. Like, nobody in my family has any, like, pounds of talent. So they just, like, they couldn't do it. And I remember, like, apparently the story goes, I got so flustered and so fed up that I was just like, as a kid, like, I'll just do it myself. And that's when I started drawing.

00;02;47;26 - 00;03;09;00
Salvatore Marrone
And so it's all just like kind of began with, like, my love of mermaids. And I would just always got mermaids. I was always like the art kid in class. And then the retro sofa thing like that didn't come in until around college because I went to a really crappy college that I will not up, that I will not name but around.

00;03;09;06 - 00;03;29;23
Salvatore Marrone
Like in our first semester we were told to think of our brand. And so I thought a retro sofa because I thought it sounded cool and I was like, I like retro things, like I like older anime and they call their movie is and my mom really like vintage furniture. So like we always had like fifties furniture, like fold sofas and lampshades and all that.

00;03;29;23 - 00;03;33;23
Salvatore Marrone
So that's kind of like how the retro sofa kind of came to be.

00;03;34;17 - 00;03;35;26
Speaker 4
So yeah.

00;03;36;22 - 00;03;47;25
Rob Lee
Thank you. Thank you for walking us through it. And I think of having those sorts of like, what do they say? What are the questions you're trying to ask with your work? And like, where are my damn mermaids? That's my question.

00;03;47;25 - 00;03;49;03
Speaker 4
You know.

00;03;49;15 - 00;04;12;15
Salvatore Marrone
Did I ask like and I could I like because I don't remember because that was I must do my two years old. But I'm like, I can totally see myself doing that because I used to call them 15 because I didn't know how to say mermaid. I guess I would go 15, 15 and like draw the foot in like, you know, my sister's big suck off, like, you know, and then I would drop myself.

00;04;12;15 - 00;04;36;01
Rob Lee
That's great. I remember I got into trouble as a kid. I was a big Ninja Turtles fan, the original like 87 series. And I remember, you know, holidays and all this stuff and my my uncle, he got my brother and I, we both like our you have your specific turtle, you have your guy, you know, and he got us both like these kind of like bathroom, like the toothbrush and the soap and all of that stuff.

00;04;36;08 - 00;04;47;02
Rob Lee
And I remember saying, I think I was maybe four. I was like, I didn't want this. I actually wanted an action figure. I had just so much trouble for that. What we what, what we what you know now.

00;04;47;05 - 00;04;47;17
Salvatore Marrone

00;04;48;05 - 00;04;51;12
Rob Lee
So actually when it comes to like our young, like, stand up, you know.

00;04;52;07 - 00;04;52;13
Speaker 4

00;04;53;04 - 00;05;19;28
Rob Lee
So your comic book art is you, you have an anime background as well, which we'll talk about a little bit. So I want to start off with very kind of like what would be and maybe you touched on it, but what would be a a life experience that's shaped your current creative like sensibility, like where you're at now, how you approach your work and how you approach like your or your play, if you will.

00;05;19;28 - 00;05;20;11
Speaker 4

00;05;22;04 - 00;05;42;06
Salvatore Marrone
I feel like it was just, well, like I mentioned earlier, I was always the art kid in class. Yeah. So like any time, like, there was something remotely related to art, everyone just like, look at me. Like, the only time that other students liked me was when we were in group projects that involved art some capacity, you know, because they were like, Oh, cool, saboteur can draw something.

00;05;42;06 - 00;06;13;05
Salvatore Marrone
You're like or if they, if they want to be drawn, you know, then all of a sudden they were like, my friend. And early on I grew up in New Jersey. So for the first half of my childhood, I grew up in the Bronx, New Jersey, Monmouth County, very much by the shore. Yeah, kind of near like Asbury Park, Red Bank and the my teachers back then in Lombard were very, very supportive of creative types and they were very supportive, supportive of me.

00;06;13;22 - 00;06;38;00
Salvatore Marrone
And it was it was funny because when I was little, because I've always been obsessed with sea life, I wanted to be a marine biologist. So that was my thing. I wanted to be a marine biologist, study, you know, sea life, aquatic life. Even though, truthfully, if I had gone down that line of work, I probably would have been like Eugene Levy's character in Slash and trying to hunt for mermaids that don't exist.

00;06;38;18 - 00;06;57;12
Salvatore Marrone
But video is funny. So I wanted to be a marine biologist, and then my teachers pulled my mom aside during a parent teacher conference and they said, No, your son is very artistic. You should push for this. Which was cool. But at the same time, I'm like, I hated school because I wanted to focus on art, but it's neither here or there.

00;06;57;24 - 00;07;13;22
Salvatore Marrone
But they never knew they were, so they were super supportive. And I just I just remember there was always like cool shit they were doing for me. Like, there was one time I came into class and they had this giant easel out for me and pans and they said, Salvatore, we just want you to draw whatever you want.

00;07;14;01 - 00;07;38;22
Salvatore Marrone
That's great for the entire class. And of course I do aerial, but like, I don't know, like they were super supportive and then there was like a shift. When I moved, we moved from long range Citizen Falls and Tent and Falls was like like a half hour away from Long Branch. It was more like upper middle class in a way.

00;07;38;22 - 00;08;15;26
Salvatore Marrone
And like they, they definitely didn't care about the arts. It was more about like the athletes and, you know, and to bring any accent that was not me. I hated sports. I hated academics. You know, I still don't know how to fucking divide like, but, you know, they just didn't care about artists. Yeah, but that support that I got early on, I know that really kind of like shaped things for me and also just, you know, figuring out different types of like ways that I wanted to do art because I didn't do comics.

00;08;15;26 - 00;08;41;10
Salvatore Marrone
And so probably like middle school, I guess, or high school, middle school, middle school. Because when I was a kid, I read the comics and I was a big Sailor Moon fan. And Sailor Moon was the first comics that I really like read actively. It was like, This is really cool. And then at some point, probably when I read Devil Man, I was like, Oh, I really want to make comics, and I would just draw my own comics.

00;08;42;11 - 00;09;02;17
Salvatore Marrone
And they were always bad. Like at first they were always bad because I would do this thing where either I would just rip off ideas of what I saw or I would just start in the middle of a story. So like, like if you're familiar with like Dragon Ball Z, for example, it would be like Dragon Ball Z started with like Nemec about to explode.

00;09;02;21 - 00;09;24;00
Salvatore Marrone
While Goku is a super saying fighting frieza and they would expect everyone to just like know what was going on. That's like what I do with my comics on these types of show. My friends, they're like, Fuck is going on. Like, What are these really doing? And then like and then I get so frustrated like this is so and so and obviously he's fighting this person because they're, they're after this thing.

00;09;24;00 - 00;09;30;22
Salvatore Marrone
And if they get that, the world will be destroyed. It will be like it made no sense. Right. And I just didn't understand that.

00;09;30;28 - 00;09;31;07
Speaker 4

00;09;32;02 - 00;09;42;23
Salvatore Marrone
So then I started off small. I did a comic about my guinea pig, okay? Because I have this guinea pig who I named Randall after the you hardcore show villain. For some reason.

00;09;42;23 - 00;09;43;11
Speaker 4
This is great.

00;09;43;11 - 00;10;02;28
Salvatore Marrone
And he he was always just, like, really skittish and paranoid. And we kind of had this inside joke that he always thought that Tom was trying to kill him. So I made this comic about him and him figuring that people were always going to kill him, and it was just his little adventures. But he was funny, he was really stupid, was funny.

00;10;02;28 - 00;10;11;18
Salvatore Marrone
And kids like that, they're like, Oh yeah, this is funny. There's like some social commentary there, I guess. I mean, they didn't say social commentary, but that's definitely, you know, what they meant.

00;10;11;28 - 00;10;12;05
Speaker 4

00;10;13;09 - 00;10;21;19
Salvatore Marrone
And then yeah, and, and that was, that was my first time. And then from there, I guess I started realizing, okay, I need to establish characters, I need to do storyline.

00;10;22;03 - 00;10;22;11
Speaker 4

00;10;23;15 - 00;10;49;13
Salvatore Marrone
So then I did, I did another comic called Valentine and it was about a girl that had a crush on a gay boy. And like that, that blew up to be like a big thing in school. So, I mean, like, people who didn't even like me were like, Oh, was that comic after they read my comics? So that like, that really like shaped a lot of things about me, especially now with like no more, you know, like, I think dark.

00;10;49;14 - 00;10;57;01
Salvatore Marrone
Like, if it wasn't for, like, that Valentine comic or like that comic, I probably wouldn't have even been at this point with no more mermaids.

00;10;57;09 - 00;11;22;09
Rob Lee
So so so let's some it was it was a lie that I got so many other questions now based on what you're saying is I know I appreciate it. I dig it. So so these are maybe out of order, but it's fine. So let's see. Let's see. So there's a belief right out there that, you know, and I'm ripping off Austin Kleon again, but there's a belief out there that artists are tasteful thieves, especially early on.

00;11;22;09 - 00;11;46;14
Rob Lee
It's like, Oh, well, let me make my own version of what, you know, an artist that I dig, it's doing let me make it mine. So I'm taking their influences and ultimately adapting their influence into their own style and then building off of that. Do you have any creative victims like, you know, artists that you like? I want to I'm trying to do my version of their style or I'm trying to write or try to, like, frame a story the way that this artist would do their work.

00;11;46;19 - 00;11;48;04
Rob Lee
Could you say a bit about that?

00;11;49;05 - 00;12;23;26
Salvatore Marrone
Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, it's no secret I'm a big fan of old school anime and manga, especially stuff from like the seventies specifically. So like going off a few definitely go to Guy, the creator of Cutie Honey in Devil Man Shinji WADA, who did this, one of my favorite comics ever. If I'm gonna and Yoshihiro Tatsumi who did like amazing the old in Tokyo good bye I can't remember the other ones off the top of my head but he he was a huge influence for me.

00;12;23;26 - 00;12;51;00
Salvatore Marrone
Like he was probably the biggest influence. I'm like no more mermaids, especially. I just I loved his storytelling and he did like really like underground comics. So those are definitely like my creative victims. And sometimes they don't realize it. Like a friend of mine recently read Skip on Shinji WADA is manga and she said, because I immediately recognized the influences and influences on Salvatore's work.

00;12;51;19 - 00;12;58;06
Salvatore Marrone
And I was like, Yeah, that's so true. And I don't even think about it sometimes, but yeah, those guys for sure.

00;12;58;24 - 00;13;23;09
Rob Lee
That's, that's wonderful. And thank you that that was the exact answer that I was looking for, actually, because, you know, people say, oh, I don't know. I'm saying no ownership. You know, like there are are people that you dig in that you have some influence from in, you know, like even doing something like this with where I rally for but struggle against this notion of whether this form of creativity, this, this podcast is actually art.

00;13;23;22 - 00;13;42;28
Rob Lee
I'm like, well, I'm influenced by these people. And, you know, I approach it like an artist and all of these different things. And I don't shy away from like sharing is like I'm a, I'm a facilitator. I'm for someone facilitating people telling their stories in the same way as any interview or Q&A person would do. And in fact, I still questions.

00;13;45;02 - 00;13;47;10
Salvatore Marrone
If you're like an artsy Barbara Walters.

00;13;47;14 - 00;14;09;00
Rob Lee
Yeah. Yes, I if I had hair, it would be what? It would be great. So. So tell me about so tell me about your autobiographical comic I know more mermaids and because we we've we've touched a little bit so so tell me the story around that and how's the experience been because it's autobiographical. So there's very much you baked into it.

00;14;09;00 - 00;14;24;06
Rob Lee
And and what sorts of like creative license do you take? Because sometimes you have to keep the innocent innocent in storytelling and sometimes we have to, like, change certain details for maybe comedic effect or storytelling. So so tell me about that.

00;14;24;06 - 00;14;48;03
Salvatore Marrone
Yeah. So no more mermaids originally started in 2017 and I haven't really done a comic since like high school. So like, like throughout my adulthood, I've always wanted to do a comic and I think I did like one random one off comic for like a compilation or something or a Xena or something. Like I never did like an ongoing comic.

00;14;49;03 - 00;15;16;08
Salvatore Marrone
So I had this idea of going No More Mermaid, because for a while I was like, You know, it'd be kind of like, interesting to write about, like, dating experiences, hook ups, and then, like, it never really happened, right? Yeah. And then just. I feel like it just happened one day. Like one day I just sat down and I like, started writing this comic about, about me going on grinder and like, hook ups.

00;15;16;09 - 00;15;41;10
Salvatore Marrone
I had been a help and I felt afterwards and I was very, like, shy and secretive about it. Like, I remember I uploaded it somewhere and I like, posted on Facebook. I was like, Hey, if anyone's interested in a comic that's very raunchy and the whole like let me know. And everyone was like, Yeah, yeah, let's see. Like, even like coworkers of mine, like people like I haven't seen in years.

00;15;41;10 - 00;15;51;12
Salvatore Marrone
They're like, Yeah, I want to see it. And so I uploaded and I thought that people were going to be disgusted because it's wrong with you. What is this shadow like? Bastard.

00;15;51;12 - 00;15;54;07
Speaker 4
You see people, but no.

00;15;54;07 - 00;16;11;23
Salvatore Marrone
And they loved it. And to the point where it was almost disappointing because I like I do like shock value and like not I mean, realistically, nothing really bad happens and no more money. It's like it's not like it's a John Waters film. Like, no one's going to like dog shit or anything or like fucking.

00;16;12;18 - 00;16;14;19
Rob Lee
Like the Baltimore Connection. You just made that, by the way.

00;16;15;05 - 00;16;32;18
Salvatore Marrone
I mean, I love I love Myers. I'm surprised it took so long for it to come up in conversation now. But like I thought that people were going to be appalled. Now, granted, like, none of my family has seen it, not like I have like a huge family, but like, you know, I tell my sister all the time, you can't read and I don't think she would want to.

00;16;32;23 - 00;16;37;16
Salvatore Marrone
I think she even said she was. I'm a sucker to read your comic plant X.

00;16;38;03 - 00;16;40;29
Speaker 4
But that's great.

00;16;41;19 - 00;17;14;12
Salvatore Marrone
Yeah. So it just it just started and it continued. And for me, No More Mermaids is less of a comic and more of a picture diary. I've always said, Yeah, just because it's just me jotting my feelings down. Although it's like I feel like it's evolved. More like now it's like it feels less like a diary and more like an actual comic now, because I feel like now it has like a storyline and all that shit or whatever, but now, but as far as the experience has been, it's been really good.

00;17;14;16 - 00;17;35;07
Salvatore Marrone
Like it really helps me come out of my shell because I'm a pretty shy person. I was an extremely shy person when I started this topic. I mean, like I didn't really like to talk about sex. I didn't even like to talk about being gay. And here I am writing and trying all these things that have happened to me being gay, having sex, you know?

00;17;35;24 - 00;17;56;06
Salvatore Marrone
So it helped me get on my shell, helped me have like pride in my work because, like, I just wasn't really proud of anything that I'd done. And, I mean, not, like no more mermaids is going to win like an officer or anything, but like, I read it and I'm like, Damn, this is pretty good. I did. I did a pretty good job.

00;17;56;06 - 00;18;18;08
Salvatore Marrone
So I'm, I'm like, proud of it in many, many aspects as far as creative license goes. So of my comic is autobiographical, that's based on true events. It's mostly based on my experience with those events. Yeah. So like how I process these encounters and these memory is if that makes sense.

00;18;20;16 - 00;18;47;20
Salvatore Marrone
So like while I try to stay as true to the memory as possible, you know, the way that somebody remembers something can become distorted or exaggerated, especially when you relay these stories to others. So like for example, there is a chapter where I go on a really bad date with this obnoxious guy guy I called Dave. I made sure not to use anyone's real names in the comics, but he did a lot of weird things on the Dave.

00;18;47;22 - 00;18;54;17
Salvatore Marrone
Any kind of acted out like an actual cartoon character, like you've seen the animated ex, right?

00;18;54;17 - 00;18;54;27
Speaker 4

00;18;55;25 - 00;19;25;09
Salvatore Marrone
Okay. So like, you remember how like the Warner Brothers were just like stuck with people, like they would just sit there and make faces or like, just like, do like, really obnoxious, like, like walk around crazy for no reason. Like, that's how this guy was. Like, there was at one point where he was walking, he was just kind of like Bob in his hand, swinging his arms, like, for no reason and sort of like as a way to kind of translate that into the comic.

00;19;25;09 - 00;19;33;29
Salvatore Marrone
There's like, I would just draw him really exaggerated. Like there's like one where he looks like one of those like a barrel. Those like monkeys in a barrel.

00;19;34;00 - 00;19;36;28
Speaker 4
This place just loopy arms.

00;19;37;13 - 00;19;57;22
Salvatore Marrone
Yeah, yeah. And, you know, I was like, I like the motion line, so you can kind of, like, visualize. I can just, like, swinging around. Like, I always think about that chapter because that's like a good I mean, you know, that chapter is very accurate. Like, people are always like, did he really act like that? I'm like, yes, people are always like blown away that like, asshole.

00;19;57;22 - 00;20;27;10
Salvatore Marrone
I'm like, yes, he was awful. But all stuff, buster, it's me. Because like I tell them, you know, if you're reading that chapter and your takeaway is he's an asshole, it's that you're missing the point. You should be reading that. And thinking, Why did you stay for that? You did like you should have left the moment he was acting crazy and instead you spent an entire day almost slept the night over at his house, you know, I mean, I guess they want to just root for the protagonist.

00;20;27;10 - 00;20;48;25
Rob Lee
So I mean, I mean, the way it is you're describing it. And I obviously have not have had a chance to really dove too deep into anything. But, I mean, it reads like I feel like this can be adapted. I feel like this could be adapted into something. I mean, it may not be an Eisner or something like that, but, you know, unique voices, everybody's voice in.

00;20;48;28 - 00;20;57;19
Rob Lee
And there's there there's a lane. There is a lane that I'm I'm actually interested in, to be honest with you, because the way that you described it sounds hilarious.

00;20;58;04 - 00;21;14;09
Salvatore Marrone
I would love for its be animated or something. I a friend of mine teased in a while ago like he was like, oh, he goes, You make comics? Well, I produce things and I'm like, Okay, well, what do I have to do? And he was like, Give me a script. So I gave him a script and I never heard back.

00;21;14;09 - 00;21;23;24
Salvatore Marrone
And I'm like, What's going on, man? You know, I'm supposed to see him in a couple of months, so we'll see. Maybe I'll just like, grab him by the balls and be like, Make this fucking cartoon.

00;21;24;21 - 00;21;59;14
Rob Lee
No more near walls. It's like, Shut up, this is mine. Give it back. Of course, I got one more real question before we get to these rapid fire questions. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention your background with, you know, working on anime releases. So you're editing like subtitles, right? So yeah. So tell me about Lee ultimately like taking something that obviously you're you is a big part of your fandom and making it an additional skill set because I mean when I read that, you know, your background is, you know, you're working with, you know, anime products.

00;21;59;23 - 00;22;14;07
Rob Lee
And I immediately go back to this time when I was in the anime expo trying to find a way to say, Hey, do you guys need like a six foot four black? I can we can you find a way for me just to be myself but in anime form. So tell me about like, like working with animation.

00;22;15;08 - 00;22;39;02
Salvatore Marrone
That yeah, that was really weird. It's still surreal to me even though it's been about ten years. So I work with disco tech media. I'm, I'm not an employee of them at all. Like I'm not on their payroll or anything. I just like I help out. They, they basically have diehard fans working on their stuff. Like, I know there's like one set guy that they to work on loop on the third releases.

00;22;39;24 - 00;23;07;08
Salvatore Marrone
So I guess with me I'm mostly working on Disney guy stuff or I've worked on doing the guy stuff. I became involved with them because they released my favorite show, Cutie Honey on DVD. And I thought, the subtitles are really bad. I mean, the subtitles were really bad. And so I had like a very like, it's so crazy to think about, but like, I just sent them like this really long letter or this email where I was so upset, I was like, How could you do this?

00;23;07;18 - 00;23;32;22
Salvatore Marrone
Like, like they had murdered my child or something. And the owner was really nice. He emailed me back like almost immediately. I think it was like within the same day. Explain why it had happened. Was really nice and then basically said, he goes, Well, how about you just like work on our other releases done. Because at the time they were going to release Messenger Z and Devil Man and I was like, Holy shit, really?

00;23;32;22 - 00;24;03;20
Salvatore Marrone
Like, just you never expect that, right? Like you're never like, you know, you're going to like call out somebody and they're going to do you want to work on it like. Right. It was crazy, but yeah. No, it was it was just weird because I remember being like 14, 15 years old downloading episodes of Devil Man in Italian and because you couldn't find the Japanese version and now here I was like editing the subtitles for the DVD release, and I just did the Blu ray release actually.

00;24;03;20 - 00;24;27;23
Salvatore Marrone
So I like revise the subtitles that I originally worked on. And it's just it's really surreal. It's so cool. And, you know, you get to find out insider information. I used to find out like about things they were licensing before they came out. I'm working on something right now that I can't say because they haven't announced it, but I'm actually doing some I'm actually doing the subtitles from scratch this time.

00;24;27;23 - 00;24;47;18
Salvatore Marrone
So I'm like, actually timing man. So that was pretty cool. And I did that for The Devil, man. Blu ray, too. There were there were a few extras. I don't know if they're actually going to be on the desk or not because that's always with extras, it's always up in the air. But yeah, there is a couple of extras on the Devil Man desk and I like time them all from scratch and that was fucking cool.

00;24;47;18 - 00;25;10;19
Rob Lee
So now that's, that's really great. This, this has been, this has been a treat. So with that, I got some rapid fire questions for you. They're going to get progressively weirder, but some of them take into account things that you've said during this interview. So I'm really looking forward to shooting those your way. So if you're ready, we can get into a couple of these rapid fire questions.

00;25;11;06 - 00;25;11;28
Salvatore Marrone
Okay, shoot.

00;25;12;18 - 00;25;17;24
Rob Lee
All right. And remember, don't overthink it. Don't overthink. Favorite John Waters movie.

00;25;18;05 - 00;25;21;17
Salvatore Marrone
Oh, fuck.

00;25;21;17 - 00;25;22;21
Rob Lee
That's not the title of one.

00;25;22;27 - 00;25;30;02
Salvatore Marrone
This is a tie between female trouble and serial mom.

00;25;30;12 - 00;25;37;23
Rob Lee
Okay. Okay. I like that you hit early on and you had mono more later or more recent releases were have I was what, 94 I think for single mom.

00;25;38;05 - 00;25;43;19
Salvatore Marrone
Yeah, that was the first one I ever saw too. I was four years old watching that shit, which I should not have been watching. But whatever.

00;25;43;21 - 00;25;46;24
Speaker 4

00;25;46;24 - 00;25;53;22
Rob Lee
Okay, finish the sentence on a Friday night. I am.

00;25;53;22 - 00;26;02;09
Salvatore Marrone
The first thing that came to my mind was very inappropriate. The G-rated version would be spending time with my boyfriend.

00;26;02;09 - 00;26;10;08
Rob Lee
That's good. On the L.A. Times. Tell me a song that's on your Toxic or Wretched playlist.

00;26;10;26 - 00;26;14;11
Salvatore Marrone
Oh, our. Sorry.

00;26;16;09 - 00;26;18;23
Speaker 4
We all have. We all have them. I know, but I.

00;26;18;23 - 00;26;23;03
Salvatore Marrone
Actually have to say it out loud. She don't love you. Bye, little Kim.

00;26;23;19 - 00;26;23;29
Rob Lee

00;26;24;17 - 00;26;27;13
Salvatore Marrone
I mean, hell, any little Kim song, that's the best one.

00;26;28;18 - 00;26;38;12
Rob Lee
Okay, if you could be a marine animal for one day, what animal would it be?

00;26;38;12 - 00;26;44;02
Salvatore Marrone
Hmm? I guess a great white shark. And I would tell the people.

00;26;45;29 - 00;26;47;29
Speaker 4
100% would attack the back.

00;26;48;23 - 00;26;49;13
Rob Lee
He has a dying.

00;26;49;13 - 00;26;50;22
Speaker 4
I'm sorry to tell you.

00;26;52;04 - 00;26;52;25
Salvatore Marrone

00;26;53;16 - 00;27;00;20
Rob Lee
So I got two more for you. Three. What are your top three active enemy. So enemies that are currently like running.

00;27;01;12 - 00;27;21;20
Salvatore Marrone
Oh shit on that. That's a good question for me because I do not watch New and God, I think the most recent anime that I watched was is probably like suck. I don't even know I guess like the latest loop on the third series. But no, no, I didn't even see that one. I saw the one before that.

00;27;22;02 - 00;27;22;23
Salvatore Marrone
Yeah, I'm sorry.

00;27;22;29 - 00;27;29;11
Rob Lee
I thought we could grab someone. Okay, then here's the replacement one for it and one that I kind of promised you early on. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

00;27;30;10 - 00;27;31;02
Salvatore Marrone
Mint chocolate chip.

00;27;31;27 - 00;27;34;28
Speaker 4
Really? Yes. Okay. Okay.

00;27;35;08 - 00;27;42;20
Salvatore Marrone
I actually just found out that's my boyfriend's favorite flavor, too. I had no idea. I was like, why? I was like, how did we not, like, discover this about ourselves yet?

00;27;42;28 - 00;28;00;24
Rob Lee
Simpatico. I like it. I like it a lot. So that's it. You got you also hot seed. So one, I want to thank you for coming on to this podcast and to I want to invite and encourage you to tell the fine folks anything that you feel we've missed, anything that will send them to check out your work.

00;28;00;24 - 00;28;02;08
Rob Lee
So the floor is yours.

00;28;02;17 - 00;28;25;08
Salvatore Marrone
Aw, shit. Yeah. I'm Salvator. I'm an artist living in Philadelphia. Please check out my comic No More Mermaids. If you're over the age of 18, that is, you can read it on tap is you can find me on Twitter and Instagram on Twitter. I'm just retro so far on Instagram I'm retro surfer dot AMC because I'm Swedish or Finnish.

00;28;25;08 - 00;28;26;14
Speaker 4
Fox is.

00;28;26;29 - 00;28;40;12
Salvatore Marrone
So sofa, so I can't actually be retro so far on Instagram. Dude, if you're listening, give me your account. You have an update it like five fucking years. I'm sure I come off as very charming in this interview.

00;28;41;03 - 00;28;57;08
Rob Lee
You know, I've laughed a lot, actually. This is this is pure comedy, so this is great. And thank you again for coming on to this podcast. I really appreciate it and appreciate you indulging this format and and being a part of the series. So really thank you.

00;28;57;23 - 00;29;02;14
Salvatore Marrone
Thank you so much, Rob. Now, this has been awesome. I really appreciate it. What you're doing is amazing.

00;29;02;19 - 00;29;24;05
Rob Lee
Thank you. I appreciate it. So for Salvatore Marrone. I'm Rob Lee. Saying that there is art in and around your neck of the woods. You just got to look for it.

Creators and Guests

Rob Lee
Rob Lee
The Truth In This Art is an interview series featuring artists, entrepreneurs and tastemakers in & around Baltimore.
Salvatore Marrone
Salvatore Marrone
a gay Philadelphia based comic artist and creator of the autobiographical comic “No More Mermaids”