Empowering Voices and Legacies: Entrepreneurship with Alex Johnson

Empowering Voices and Legacies: Entrepreneurship with Alex Johnson

Alexandria Johnson is an Austin-based entrepreneur. She has built her professional career as an influencer partnership strategist, and her life’s work around her building her community, empowering black girls/women, and maintaining her family legacy as Austin business owners - Owners of Johnnies Antiques, the oldest remaining shop on east 6th street.

Her journey has lead her to not only founding her own agency, and reviving the family business, but through her passion for empowering others she has also created platforms like BlackOwnedAustin, NotYourTokenBlackGirl Podcast.


The Truth In This Art Beyond is a spin-off of The Truth In This Art. Where the original series focused primarily on Baltimore, this series extends outside of Charm City to engage in artistically and culturally relevant conversations and sharing rich stories from our favorite cities. As always, creativity matters here!

The series is produced with the generous support from Raasin in the Sun , BlackArtMattersATX and Six Square. Raasin in the Sun, an Austin based Nonprofit organization who's work focuses on cultivating resilience through art and environmental initiatives. BlackArtMattersATX, amplifying Black voices in Austin's cultural conversation by financially supporting new work from Black Artists based in Austin. Six Square work focuses on preserving and celebrating the historic legacy of the African American community that once thrived in Central East Austin.

If you're interested in supporting my work, please consider leaving a review and buying me coffee.

Creators and Guests

Rob Lee
Rob Lee
The Truth In This Art is an interview series featuring artists, entrepreneurs and tastemakers in & around Baltimore.
Alexandria Johnson
Alexandria Johnson
Alexandria Johnson, a dynamic entrepreneur rooted in Austin, has etched her mark as an influencer partnership strategist, community builder, and champion of empowering black girls and women.